
my week threw up on this t-shirt

literally... all the things i did, things i saw, papers and people and, artifacts you could say, that i dealt with throughout the week are on this shirt. but because i'm me and i am always two sides of the same person, there are two sides to this shirt as well.

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the first side, the front side is made up of all the things that i WANTED to do this week and spent most of my time ACTUALLY doing and focusing my attention on.

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while this side, the back side is made up of all the things i SHOULD have been doing, but really wasn't.

it's a pretty simple idea though. the things in the forefront of my mind were what i wanted to be doing with my time, so they're on the front of my shirt, the side you probably see first. and the things i didn't want to be doing are on the back, aka, in the back of my mind, where i push them away.

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